In 2017 Dr. Thompson certified in N.A.E.T. (Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique). The technique is heavily based on acupuncture but uses acupressure stimulation instead of needles. The success with this technique lies in its ability to restore correct communication in the body and normalizes interactions that have previously caused symptoms. Very common allergens that can be corrected with N.A.E.T. include grasses, weeds, trees, pollens, flowers, dust, animals, etc. Many patients also seek relief from food sensitivities such as wheat, dairy, sugar, eggs, corn, soy, tomatoes, etc. Sometimes patients can be allergic to very uncommon things; Dr. Thompson can test for several hundred items that possibly could be causing your symptoms.
Many people are unaware that many of their chronic symptoms are caused by allergies, sensitivities, imbalances, and intolerances. Those symptoms can range from headaches, fatigue, irritability, bloating, and gastrointestinal distress to depression, anxiety, sleep disturbance, rashes/eczema, nausea, asthma, chronic coughing, and more. Eliminating the body’s distress response can normalize interactions with self and environment, resolving symptoms and can drastically improve quality of life!
Your first N.A.E.T. visit would begin with a consultation and symptom history followed by specific testing to uncover which treatments will be the most beneficial. Those treatments range from environmental allergies, food sensitivities, hormonal/neurotransmitter signaling, and emotional release. Dr. Thompson will help you devise a specific treatment plan that will best suit your needs.