The nervous system is the master system of the body. Comprised of the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves, it controls and regulates all functions and all other body systems. Protected by the vertebral column, the spinal cord is an extremely crucial communication highway, relaying signals between the brain and the cells of the body. Any interference in that pathway leads to distortion in nervous system communication, eventually decreasing cellular function. This interference is caused when the joints of the spine become misaligned or lose mobility. Any malposition or loss of motion in the spine is called a subluxation. A subluxation can cause inflammation and edema, increasing the pressure placed on the spinal cord and nerve roots. These changes lead to dysfunction, resulting in dis-ease.
The solution to this dysfunction is the Chiropractic adjustment. During an office visit at Vitality Chiropractic your spine will first be assessed, locating areas of subluxation. Once identified, a controlled force will be applied to the area, restoring proper motion and alignment in the joints. This safe, corrective process removes interference in the nervous system and restores proper communication between the brain and the body. This technique relieves local pain but more importantly increases the body's ability to heal and achieve optimal function and health.
People often seek Chiropractic care for pain relief from conditions like headaches, neck pain, low back pain, sciatica, disc problems, muscle spasms, etc. While Chiropractic is an excellent care option for these ailments, it is not only limited to these conditions. Chiropractic is recommended for infants and children, especially when suffering from ear infections, colic, latching problems, digestive troubles, immune dysfunction, etc. Regular adjustments are also recommended during pregnancy. Maintaining balance in the low back and pelvis allows more room for the growing fetus and can decrease birth times by maximizing the circumference of the pelvis outlet. Regular wellness adjustments are a great way to maintain a healthy spine, maximize immune function, prevent injury, increase coordination, and optimize healing.